Friday, August 21, 2015

Media Montage 113: Superheroes Outside of Comics

Superheroes are everywhere these days, and they all came from comic books right? 

Wrong! Lots of superhero characters emerged from TV, Film and Animation, independent of the four color page. Hancock, Defendor, MANTIS and the Greatest American Hero all originated outside of comic books.  

Parody, homage and ripoffs of superhero concepts are discussed as well in Episode 113 of the Media Montage Podcast!

Our Comics:
Brain Teaser Comics:


Friday, August 7, 2015

Media Montage Podcast 112: Are Pro Sports Fixed?

Did you ever see a football game with a play that was just too good to be true? What about a bad call made by a ref that dramatically altered the out come of a game? What if those things were no accident? Is it possible for professional sports leagues to fix the outcomes of games? Would that even be illegal?

We ask those questions and more as we explore whether or not pro sports are fixed in episode 112 of the Media Montage Podcast!

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Our Comics:
EarthmanPrime at Deviant Art
Brain Teaser Comics:
